About Me

Hi, I'm Stephanie, vegan content creator and the founder of Vegan, What? I'm a proud vegan foodie and I love entertaining and inspiring others to incorporate more plants into their diet.

My mission is to simplify veganism for the everyday person so, that they can live longer and be there for their families. I actively pursue this goal through my social media platforms, ebooks, apparel, and meal plan services

I went vegan over 10 years ago because I was tired of watching my family members die of preventable diseases related to food. I knew there had to be a better way. So, I researched vegetarianism (because I didn't know what the heck a vegan was) and stumbled upon a Google talk from Alicia Silverstone. I purchased her book The Kind Diet and made the slow transition into a vegan lifestyle.
Fun Facts
I'm a Mega horror movie fan. I watch a lot of scary movies…even the incredibly bad ones.
My favorite food is potatoes…and I put hot sauce on EVERYTHING!
Yes, I put sugar in my grits. Don't @ me. lol
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